The World of Siliar
[si´ - lee - är]
In links, letters in parenthesis indicate type of membership required by pages.
Lost Hope
Book 5 of the Thrice Born Collection
Lost Hope is an expansive collection of events that lead up to the climactic, five-book account of the War to Liberate Terantis. It includes vital diplomatic missions and vastly important character relationships that propel the events in the following books. Much of Lost Hope establishes the "where did this come from" or "what is that all about" that grounds the action in the war.
During the timespan of Lost Hope, raising an army consumes those with Edwin while the Resistance in Terantis tries to hold on. Meanwhile, the Dark Council is impatient to see the lost heir eliminated. They spare no effort to see Edwin prevented from ever arriving in Terantis.
A lot is going on throughout Lost Hope, as the events within the character's lives leads them toward inevitable conflict with the Dark Council. However and notably, the action sections of this timeline are generally brief and focused, each covering a compact collection of events and dialog.
In the Lost Hope timeline, the location maps are linked to a "@" for each action section. Links to the action sections are, further, color coded to indicate the plot stream that section deals with.
The layout on the web version for Book 5 is somewhat like Book 4, but on the mobile version the links are simply lined up with the date. This, in Book 6 through Book 10, prevents a nightmare of trying to align action streams. On the web version, the action scenes align roughly with left being to the north and right being to the south.
Access to Lost Hope requires signing up for the
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Link Color Key for Plot Stream:
Edwin, Lansal, Nathan and others in Gloom
Marilyn, Emilee, and others: Resistance in Bitter Springs area
John, the Harper
Eliz, Spy for the Resistance
Diplomacy and Alliances
Travel and Missions
Work of the Dark Council
Continued from Shadow of Doubt
This symbol indicates closely related action taking place at same place and time, but from different points of view.
Storm Valley
Bitter Springs
North of Storm Valley
South of Bitter Springs
4928, Midfall
Week 9, Day 4
4928, Midfall
Week 9, Day 5
4928, Midfall
Week 9, Day 6
4928, Midfall
Week 9, Day 7
4928, Midfall
Week 10, Day 2
4928, Midfall
Week 10, Day 3
4928, Midfall
Week 10, Day 6
Week 10 Day 7
4928, Midfall
Week 11, Day 3
Week 11 Day 4
4928, Midfall
Week 11, Day 6
4928, Midfall
Week 11, Day 7
Week 12 Day 1
4928, Midfall
Week 12, Day 2
4928, Midfall
Week 12, Day 3
Week 12 Day 4
4928, Midfall
Week 12, Day 5
4928, Midfall
Week 12, Day 6
4928, Midfall
Week 12, Day 7
4928, Midfall
Week 13, Day 1
Week 13 Day 2
4928, Midfall
Week 13, Day 3
4928, Midfall
Week 13, Day 4
Week 13 Day 6
4928, Midfall
Week 13, Day 7
Week 1 Day 4
4928, Midwinter
Week 1, Day 7
4928, Midwinter
Week 2, Day 1
4928, Midwinter
Week 2, Day 2
4928, Midwinter
Week 2, Day 3
4928, Midwinter
Week 2, Day 6
4928, Midwinter
Week 2, Day 7
Week 3 Day 1
4928, Midwinter
Week 3, Day 2
4928, Midwinter
Week 3, Day 3
4928, Midwinter
Week 3, Day 4
4928, Midwinter
Week 3, Day 5
4928, Midwinter
Week 4, Day 1
4928, Midwinter
Week 4, Day 3
Week 4 Day 4
4928, Midwinter
Week 4, Day 5
Week 4 Day 7
4928, Midwinter
Week 5, Day 1
4928, Midwinter
Week 5, Day 2
4928, Midwinter
Week 5, Day 4
4928, Midwinter
Week 6, Day 6
4928, Midwinter
Week 6, Day 7
Week 7 Day 1
4928, Midwinter
Week 7, Day 2
4928, Midwinter
Week 7, Day 3
4928, Midwinter
Week 7, Day 4
4928, Midwinter
Week 7, Day 5
Week 7 Day 7
4928, Midwinter
Week 8, Day 1
4928, Midwinter
Week 8, Day 3 (and following…)
4928, Midwinter
Week 9, Day 4
4928, Midwinter
Week 9, Day 7
4928, Midwinter
Week 10, Day 3
Week 10 Day 4
4928, Midwinter
Week 10, Day 5
4928, Midwinter
Week 11, Day 1
Week 11 and 2
4928, Midwinter
Week 11, Day 4
4928, Midwinter
Week 11, Day 5
Week 12 and 1
4928, Midwinter
Week 12, Day 2
Week 12 and 3
4928, Midwinter
Week 12, Day 4
4928, Midwinter
Week 13, Day 1
4928, Midwinter
Week 13, Day 3
4928, Midwinter
Week 13, Day 6
4929, Midspring
Week 1, Day 1
4929, Midspring
Week 1, Day 2
4929, Midspring
Week 1, Day 3
4929, Midspring
Week 3, Day 1
4929, Midspring
Week 4, Day 1
4929, Midspring
Week 5 and 2
Week 6 and 7
4929, Midspring
Week 7, Day 1
4929, Midspring
Week 7, Day 3
Week 7 and 7
4929, Midspring
Week 9, Day 2
Week 9 and 6
4929, Midspring
Week 13, Day 4
4929, Midspring
Week 13, Day 6
4929, Midsummer
Week 1, Day 1
4929, Midsummer
Week 3, Day 5
4929, Midsummer
Week 4, Day 1
4929, Midsummer
Week 4, Day 4
Week 5 and 1
Continued in The War Collection