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Way of Refusal

Book 3 of the Thrice Born Collection

 This page indexes the action in Book 3 of the Thrice Born Collection. The action spreads out and moves around. A lot. 


The method of showing the action here will be the forerunner of what will occur in the books that come later, where the story line breaks into "multiple main strands." Action sections will be arranged under labels and map links indicating where the action takes place. The sections will still be numbered in the order they were written, and the links will include those numbers, so reading in the author's order is still possible.


One change starting in this book: The previous and next links on the story pages will no longer exist. As readers depart more and more from the "normal path of reading" the best course is to bounce back to the timeline from where the next section can be selected. This will clean up the look of the mobile version a great deal.


Similarly, map links will reside within the timeline only. This will also help clean up the look and improve the ease of use on the mobile version.


Way of Refusal officially opens a week after Path of Darkness ends, with Nathan "preflecting" on things to come and Lansal leading the group toward the docks where they planned to catch boats back to Dinaule Drandin. However, the last few action scenes from TB02 are linked in the timeline, too. What happened there was a defining moment for the party, and they mention it frequently, so adding the links allows easy review of the action. 


In the week that came between the books, an Along the Way (ATW) section fills in a few interesting details that will give readers a very important insight into some of the subplots that are unfolding in the series.


Continued from Path of Darkness


4928, Midsummer

Week 12,  Day 3

Week 12,  Day 4

Week 12,  Day 5

Week 12,  Day 6

Week 12,  Day 6


Week 13, Day 3

Week 13  Day 4

Week 13,  Day 5


Week 13, Day 7

4928, Midfall

Week 1,  Day 1

In Bitter Springs, Terantis

(Click for maps)

4928, Midfall

Week 1,  Day 2

LLur, Terantis

(Click for maps)

4928, Midfall

Week 1,  Day 3

4928, Midfall

Week 1,  Day 4

Marleen's Estate 

In Bitter Springs, Terantis

(Click for maps)

Glensmill, Terantis

(Click for maps)

4928, Midfall

Week 1,  Day 5

4928, Midfall

Week 1,  Day 6

4928, Midfall

Week 1,  Day 7

In Bitter Springs, Terantis

(Click for maps)

Potterton, Terantis

(Click for maps)

4928, Midfall

Week 2,  Day 1

Marleen's Estate 

Northguard, Ringwall (Click for map)

Langley Region, Terantis

(Click for maps)

4928, Midfall

Week 2,  Day 2

4928, Midfall

Week 2,  Day 3

In Bitter Springs, Terantis

(Click for maps)

4928, Midfall

Week 2,  Day 4

4928, Midfall

Week 2,  Day 5

4928, Midfall

Week 2,  Day 6

Three Kingdoms

(Click for map)

4928, Midfall

Week 2,  Day 7

4928, Midfall

Week 3,  Day 1

4928, Midfall

Week 3,  Day 2

Terantis City, Terantis

(Click for maps)

4928, Midfall

Week 3,  Day 3

4928, Midfall

Week 3,  Day 4

In Bitter Springs, Terantis

(Click for maps)

Langley Region, Terantis

(Click for maps)

4928, Midfall

Week 3,  Day 5

4928, Midfall

Week 3,  Day 6

4928, Midfall

Week 3,  Day 7

4928, Midfall

Week 4,  Day 1

4928, Midfall

Week 4,  Day 2

Gorabree Nadom

Continued in Shadow of Doubt

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